Graeme's Kids is Blackwood's newest program created in honor of a beloved friend of Blackwood, Graeme Smith, who's love of music (especially guitar) was the inspiration for this program. Starting with two of Graeme's guitars so kindly donated to Blackwood Arts by his wife Shelly, a program was designed for young children to have an opportunity to learn to play the guitar and give them a learning experience to last a lifetime. The pilot program includes 10 students from Center Township Elementary School in Butler County who have been selected for a six-week instruction in how to care for, tune, and play 3 pieces on the guitar taught by Slippery Rock University graduate Caleb Novak. This program was made possible by the generosity of Slippery Rock University, a grant from the Bantam Jeep Foundation, individual contributors and patrons of Blackwood Arts.
In Loving Memory
Graeme Smith